
Lets Be Still by JJ

Racing taxi's, 5'oclock deadlines, fingers weary from congruent to-do lists.  Everything was due yesterday & today has almost passed.  Too much traffic in my ind, come lay here with me, let the world speed by us outside.  These walls can disappear, so breathe 4 a second and lets be still.   Lay beside me, lets play a geme with our 5 senses.  Let yourself pour into me...come so close I can embrace you, close enough so I can taste you.  Silence is all we need. A moment to gaze past obligation and responsibility.  Come press your head up against my chest.  My heart beat will be all the commotion you need...chill for a minuet, lets be still.   Humming, murming, & soft whispers tickle my ear drums.  Im deafened to reality, noise is only made by your pouted lips.  So speak to me, put me in a trance...stope me from fidgeting...baby keep me still.   Lets just spend a lil time & get some peace of mind.  Breathe me in, smell sweet peppermine on my tounge, the lillac's that cleanse my hair &  inhale this passion that is dusted across my skin.   My world spins, jerks, & pulls.  We spent a lifetime searching crowded streets for even a speck of similiarity.  Unfamiliar flicks & alien glances.  Silence the cell, cut off the lights, & let my eyes light the way.   Reach out for me...  Grab me, pull me in...  So hard I melt into you...  Flesh for flesh & bone for bone.  Together we are one, 2 pieces of the same part floating on a wave of intimate connectivity.   Let tommorow rise & wake with the sun.  But for tonight, baby, lets just be still, be still.  

No More Tears by EL

What do you when you've momentarily failed in life? What do you do when the people around you are so trife? Don’t let them get the best of you keep it moving  Put you feet on the gas & keep cruising   We’ve all had let downs & disappointments  Look at it is as making room for the next appointment  However the next one might not be better than the one before If it’s not right for you close that door   The saying goes when one door closes another opens You've got to keep faith & let go of the hoping  Hoping & wishing won’t get you anywhere its so far fetched  You’re only one person don’t allow yourself to get stretched   Growing tired & weary you want to give up You’re boxed in with no where to go you feel stuck That’s just your imagination closing in on you With the strength you can do whatever it is you put your mind to   Believe that in time what’s yours will come  We’ve all had moments where we’ve felt dumb However that’s not the case & I’ve let go of my fears I’ve cried all I can cry there’s no more tears


Meet me Halfway by Christopher Vasquez

Impossible to ones eye that well meet half way... I see clearly time is what needs to mend broken fixtures of past memories never needed to remember  A fresh start is what we forward to, but only to question if what is forgotten, will soon resurface in an act of present outcomes... I see this as a risk only worth taking if your ready... We come to find ourselves bonded by the chemistry, attracted to the persona, and curious to what can possibly come about... if agreed to be a chance once again taking. Let it be known now that I am ready for love, I'm ready to face the impact of my heart skipping beats every time I'm in your presence, I'm ready to bicker and argue over pointless faults just to make up once again... I'm capable of handling the pressure that love comes with, lust n infatuation have become my disease, now only to grow stronger... breaking me into falling for you, this would be the only time I can accept pain as my triumph, only because in my eyes...your worth it.  When you come to question this, it must be a scare, you must second guess my actions, as incapable, but are more possible than expected... I know time is what you want, so ill give you that.. Just promise me, you won't take to long, this feeling is forever but hurts every minute I'm without you... I promise we'll be happy, I guarantee confrontations, but I never doubt falling outta love with you... I can be what sets you free from captivity of foolish thoughts that love was never possible...  Ill be patient, and leave you... Promise to think with your heart.. And when your finally ready... Meet me halfway!!!  


Self Inflicted by Big E Friday, April 9, 2010 at 6:21pm

You had a good thing but you messed it up
Now you sit around with the stupid face like wtf
There are days when you’re missing her like ahh hell
Thinking how could you let such a good thing fail

Looking back on it you weren’t ready for what she had to offer
Instead of taking it one day at a time you decided to off her
You’ve been through several people since the break up
They're nothing like your girl before now you want to make up

It’s too late she’s moved on & you’re no longer on her mind
She’s hit play but you want her to press rewind
Life waits on no one so she hits fast forward
You're nothing like you said it was evident when you showed her

Time passes & you call, text, & IM hoping there's still something there
You fucked up when she gave you the world so why should she care?
You're time is up now so heal those stitches
You’re your own doctor those wounds are self-inflicted

Emotional Rollercoaster by Erl

I don’t know where to begin
Because what I envisioned was nothing but pretend
The worse feeling is when things don’t turn out as planned
Now you’re in the middle of nowhere & you don’t understand

With faith comes understandingBut right now it’s hard when your heart is dangling
Wish I knew how to pull it up but I don’t
Don’t know if I can & it seems like I won’t

I’m so distracted & not in the mood to do much
hank god for my writing ability because right now it’s my crutch
It gets me through these rough days & nights
Poetry keeps things in prospective when they seem out of sight

Everything happens for a reason so I keep that in mind
Knowing that the past is just that it’s meant to be left behind
This feeling of disappointment is hotter than a chicken on a roaster
I’ve been flipped upside down & turn around on this emotional rollercoaster


•Self Help Entitlement• by Christopher Vasquez May 15 at 1:53am

•Self Help Entitlement•
Pain thrives on... I come to this point to
forgive but never forget what once broke me...as I write, the slightest bit of
relief comes to being... Conquered is too unrealistic to be as an answer to my
feeling, but rejoice could possibly be something close to it

... And through his eyes he tells a story...

Look at me, and what you may see is only what you chose to visualize... A simplestory is a given, but with imagination, your limitless too see what hides behind

I've chosen to let go of my past, but embrace my present, just to keep on my toes
every step I make is a guarantee to be the outcome of the future I chose to take...
If this wasn't an option, I just may be like the rest, stuck in solitude of my own
self, questioning my existence

Friends become your enemies, lies unfold from the truth, and life takes your breatheaway every few seconds.. Speechless to believe of what's just become!!!

Let this be a lesson to be learned for all those who land in this era...

Contradict what you say, but mean what you say, for all those to understand me and
you, and with a little bit of luck, never resurface what we land ourselves into

I take this with a grain of salt, as its only just a partial of my coming of being,you'd be surprised of how the smallest influences, impact your life for the timeahead.. And now a quote you shall be left with... Just one more step to the nextchapter!!!.

“ Come to question what may be in need of an answer... Doubt the impossible as your
stride... Yet never let yourself go until you know what lies beneath"


Broken Hearted by Ebony Williams

Infuriated, betrayed, hurt, stupid
is how I feel
I gave you my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul
but you didn't care at all.

I thought I was the only one
but you had another
some undercover lover.

You punched me in the gut with your lies and your deceit
You kicked me down over and over again,
every time you told me you loved me...
the truth stabbed me in the heart.

I tried to repair the damage
but the wounds were too deep,
the injuries too severe, too severe too repair.

As much as I loved you, I loved myself more
I had to let you go to save myself.

Now your gone and I have to move on
but no matter where I go,
no matter what I do,
my heart will always be with you.


Untitled - Nina

Homeless hungry
Sick and tired
gay ...aids
anything helps

I'm sorry
I don't have any change
I can smell your forgotten yesterday and broken past and
it hurts to look at the way you must have dreamed on nights like this
Cold and the rain's drizzle can pierce through bone
I'm sorry

I have to turn away for fear of seeing myself in another's eyes
Someone like you
I am not saying I understand but
Lately I've been searching for a place to call home
because my mother won't look me in the eye these days
and my father blames himself for teaching me to throw

No, I have never been homeless
just gay
and like you, I jump afraid of what the shadows can bring,
even when she and I are alone in my own apartment
where the light is clean and the windows fogged

she said if she were a boy it wouldn't be like this
I woldn't be so scared and
I would kiss her under the moonlight or
under the frost bitten sunrise something in early December or late into spring
but it doesn't matter
it doesn't matter that we are on the upper west side of manhattan or the lower east side of new york or
even in northhampton mass

because someone said this was abnormal
becaues some guy name Freud named me deviant
said that we should walk faster at night
said that its wrong to trace the way her eyes
wrinkle like rivers on a map when she cries
said its wrong to love somebody liek her somebody like me

so I have to learned to love with calloused hands
learned to just to survive only want what is given to me
the chance to look at her behind closed doors and
lay with her after they have been locked and bolted
and sometimes that's enough sometimes surviving is simply enough
because there are better things to do and people have died for this
people have died from this
and I thank them for my chance at existence

because I don't have to wear my armor all the time
just in conversation, carry a closet in my pocket just to speak to people
"ya know I don't agree with homosexuality but if that's your lifestyle"
its not a lifestyle its a life

homosexuality is not a disease but 50 percent of the LGBT youth have attempted suicide and they have
taken gay out of the psychological disorder manual
because apparently it's a hostile environment that drives people to suicide
and it's a hostile environment that drives kids out of homes
so 45 percent of lgbt homeless have been kicked out

but you are not a statistic and I am not a crime and
this is no political statement
holding a hand isn't a referendum and I
never felt like a proposition and I don't justify a relationship
with a vote so please stop staring this ballot
when I kiss her I'm not expecting a revolution
I just don't want to hate myself for it
Don't want to hide behind ambiguous pronouns and uncomfortable sentence
I don't wnat to be anybody's secret

I know this kind of love story was never supposed to exit
It was tucked away from books
So I stopped reading fairy tales and started to read between the lines
Because there is no alice only this rabbit holed kind of life and slipping through the cracks
Because Brittany Spears can walk into a cab with no underwear and get three pages in the paper
But no one will ever know you name or that
There are twenty thousand more like you
Just searching for a bed

So I'm sorry
There's no change
I can smell your forgotten yesterday and broken past and it hurts to look at the way you must have
dreamed like this
I'm not saying I know what you are going through
I'm just saying that
I get lost sometimes too


To Be Forgotten - Christopher Vasquez

Did it occur to you that I was stricken with lust for you, did you ever wonder why I distance myself with you, only to be closer with your heart. If I never told you that you mean only the world to me, what would you say to that? At the least but none less, could you ever give me another chance to wake up and prove to you just the impossible... Would you ever think twice about leaving me with hurt and guilty pleasures only to satisfy what's long gone. In my mind, I've painted a picture of the perfect beginning for us, fantasised the perfect life, but never concluded an ending, just because I see no stopping from where we start, the possibility of there being an ending in my eyes are nothing what I look towards. I can admit it may just sound crazy, but I only choose to believe what seems to be unrealistic outcomes. Scarred with sorrow, my mind cries out for you, day by day, night after night, your presence is the only thing I ask for... Did you ever take a second to realize I am what you have been missing, cycling me out of your life, only expecting greater things to come, but failed to see I'm the next best thing, if it was ever spoken out loud, I wonder if you would pay attention to the sirens that call out for you, or would you be guarded by deaf that you'd let the whispers of my soul simply pass by as if never said... Just one more chance is what I want, I fail to beg or plead, nothing thats to far fetched, all I ask is a question, I leave it in your mind, give it time to sink in, acknowledge what I said, and remember that my mistakes once before, won't come to happen again, and if I am given a second time around, I can only promise you a better tomorrow, what's left to be unspoken is what I hold so close, choosing to let what's not said become my actions when I have you back again. If it wasn't a sure thing, I'd never think twice to write you my heart, if I didn't dream about this, this would be a blank page, and if I wasn't sure about this, I would never let you read it!
Just remember, as special as you are to me, as I will be to you, We are never to be forgotten!!!! xoxo