
To Be Forgotten - Christopher Vasquez

Did it occur to you that I was stricken with lust for you, did you ever wonder why I distance myself with you, only to be closer with your heart. If I never told you that you mean only the world to me, what would you say to that? At the least but none less, could you ever give me another chance to wake up and prove to you just the impossible... Would you ever think twice about leaving me with hurt and guilty pleasures only to satisfy what's long gone. In my mind, I've painted a picture of the perfect beginning for us, fantasised the perfect life, but never concluded an ending, just because I see no stopping from where we start, the possibility of there being an ending in my eyes are nothing what I look towards. I can admit it may just sound crazy, but I only choose to believe what seems to be unrealistic outcomes. Scarred with sorrow, my mind cries out for you, day by day, night after night, your presence is the only thing I ask for... Did you ever take a second to realize I am what you have been missing, cycling me out of your life, only expecting greater things to come, but failed to see I'm the next best thing, if it was ever spoken out loud, I wonder if you would pay attention to the sirens that call out for you, or would you be guarded by deaf that you'd let the whispers of my soul simply pass by as if never said... Just one more chance is what I want, I fail to beg or plead, nothing thats to far fetched, all I ask is a question, I leave it in your mind, give it time to sink in, acknowledge what I said, and remember that my mistakes once before, won't come to happen again, and if I am given a second time around, I can only promise you a better tomorrow, what's left to be unspoken is what I hold so close, choosing to let what's not said become my actions when I have you back again. If it wasn't a sure thing, I'd never think twice to write you my heart, if I didn't dream about this, this would be a blank page, and if I wasn't sure about this, I would never let you read it!
Just remember, as special as you are to me, as I will be to you, We are never to be forgotten!!!! xoxo

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