
Methaphorically by C. Vasquez

If being in love with the impossible distracts me from a nightmare of reality, I choose never to awake...
Simply let me believe and possibly do the unthinkable... Anything but the ordinary, I'm far just the typical...
Call it how you see it, but yet, how does someone so blinded have the answer to questions that are visible...
Take but don't return the favor of my wisdom, 
I think out loud, and out the box, 
Come to recognize I speak only what the insane choose to understand as scriptures to there relation.
Don't follow my footsteps, slight chance you might fall in from the impact I left behind,
Just try to understand my lingo, I don't speak in tongs, just lyrics...
Find a beat and flow with the rhythm of my words...
Come to terms that my diligence will stun you... 
Young and ambitious is a given, yet challenged with taking on former failure is what I do best...
I correct it, perfect it, make it my own, and finally school you on a former lesson...
Fate has found a voice, although mute to many, let my actions be what contemplates your judgment,
Maybe see what's thought to be expected, or just anything far from it.
Silence is the loudest voice...
Come back to question why I love being in love with the impossible,
Just might be that the impossible is in fact a strong possibility to be my metaphor that I'm in love with only what I already have... 
Your eyes and ears speak only what you can handle, obviously nothing to extravagant... 
You settle for a draw, and give into lies... 
I on the other hand, take this as my opportunity and once again let you see how one can pretend and withstand just the unthinkable.
 “Knock my hustle of my lyrics, and watch how I fall out stinging with my words... Blow for blow, undefined champ is what I call myself, take a breather and see if your ready for round 2"

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