
Dear Ex-Girlfriend, Learn To Be Bright... by Diamond Wynn

I've always wanted to now what lightening tasted like
and with outstretched jaw, love fell in.

You tasted like silent thunder
and told me, that i couldn't be any closer to sonic boom if i swallowed a firecracker.
So I loved you.

With skin like sandpaper, and razor sharp whit
You helped me realize
i had grown fond of girls with blades.
Only they could love me like i love myself.


You were all liquid lava graceful
But you never let ash settle on my shoulders
before you got all broom sweep savior.
You promised me,
That you would never let me fall on my back.
Contracted scratches on my back.
You promised me...until you didn't.
And you never knew how to say sorry
So you tried to shove me in your pocket.
But im too much broken spine
from trying to origami myself into your head.


I thought i could fill the holes life bore into you
But I learned there's no cure
for the burn of Ultraviolet kiss.
I just wanted to fix you.
This was selfish of me.
Just because a heart is full of pitter pattter,
doesn't mean its rubber floor, playground proof.
Last night, i opened my chest
to see if the bruises from your boots were gone.
They weren't.
Black and Blue shades of you
transformed into personified letters.
A being the meanest, Z being the kindest
this was backwards alphabet perfect.
24 colors, sandwiched between your emotional bookends
reminded me of the times I sat waiting for you to open up
the box i gave you on our first anniversary.
Inside was my pendant soul
dangling from cuff linked love
and you never even bothered to wear it.
I guess stars are too proud to wear the source of their shine around their necks.


You told me once,
that if i closed my eyes when we kissed,
I could feel the beauty of the Nile River on my bones.
You lied. Those were just your hands.
You were always good at those types of lies.
did you think i was too stupid
to differentiate between the liquid glory of great Queens
and the sweaty palm of a little girl?


You are broken butterfly.
Don't tell me to pray things get better.
It frustrates me.
My pleas will only collect dust in heaven's workshop.
Jesus may be a carpenter
But God has arthritis.
His hands fell weak too many wars ago
and when he dipped them in healing waters,
they emerged oil black.
He's a little busy right now.


Lets just fix this.
We've been unstuck for too many sunsets
and I'm gonna need you to stop calling me Elmer's.

Whats the problem?

You've already branded Amistad on my tongue.
Let's go.
Let go.
Give me my aura back.

Sunshine, Ozone, Moonlight, Skyline

You are not from the heavens
You are no lightening.
You are just girl.
Manufactured in a costume shop called Angels
and since I'm just a girl,
shoulder deep in clouds
you let me raise you pedestal high.
This felt like home to a runaway.
But you are heavy,
My wrists have broken,
and i cant carry lighthouses with broken bulbs.

These efforts are yellow flickers.
This was flashlight love.
The batteries are dead.
Get out of me.

Our short circuit spurts are exhausting.
We are pathetic.

My mother keeps warning me about my obsession with the sky,
but I've always been the type to stick wet fingers in sockets
just because i have a thing for sparks...

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