
Untitled by Jessica

My words float in on intelligent breezes &
my thoughts dance on the silver wings
of laughter.
My body sways like Palms surrounded by
white sand. My grace hugs you like
sweet morning melodies.
The flicker in my eye stuns you, my poise
holds you. Every role of my tounge &
every dance my lips perform, has your
body melting with crimson flames.
Passionate waves trencend your lull &
this spell has you murmering potent
sensations...and complexity has become
a 4 letter word.
Pieces of hesitation take head to this statue
of seduction, and lust is formulated
in the minds of pharoh's.
Shhh...the pattern breaks free & your're diving
into cloudy waters, washing you with peace
& a cool calm.
Sit now, Mami will softly stroke your rising
fears & lay your weary fantasies to rest
under a bed of tranquility.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am feeling this... There are many lines, that I like, that I can pull out quote on this comment but I would end up quoting the whole poem. You painted beautiful images with your words...Keep writing..(smile)